Newsletter success stories

From In-Person to Inbox: How Poynter Transformed A Hands-On Workshop Into an Email Course

How Poynter adapted its Work-Life Chemistry workshop into a six-part email series — and started charging $50 per student.

Newsletter monetization

11 Things Smart Newsletters Do to Convert Readers to Supporters and Customers

Email can be an incredible tool for driving readers to support your work or buy something. Here’s how top newsletters convince readers to pull out a credit card and take the next step.

Newsletter success stories

How the Toronto Star Uses Promotional Emails to Grow Their Lists Fast

The Star can quickly add 10,000+ emails on a list by promoting new newsletters to their existing readers. Their director of newsletters explains how they’ve built that growth strategy.

Best practices

15 Lessons From 30+ Years in Newsletters

CJ Chilvers has been creating newsletters since 1987. Here’s what he’s learned along the way.

Best practices

What I Wish I’d Known Before Launching My Newsletter

We asked more than 20 newsletter operators for the advice they wish they’d gotten. From content strategy to growth best practices, here’s what they told us.

Best practices

19 Great Newsletter Landing Pages You Can Learn From

A well-built landing page can help you grow your newsletter faster. Here are landing page best practices to utilize and great examples to borrow from.

Best practices

10 Lessons From 10 Years in Email

I’ve learned a lot from a decade of building email teams, running tests, and sending thousands of newsletters. Here are ten lessons that stand out.

Newsletter monetization

How to Build a Great Fundraising Campaign

I’ve worked with newsrooms that have brought in a quarter of a million dollars on a single campaign. Here’s what you can learn from them.

Newsletter success stories

A Success Story From Santiago: A Q&A With El Semanal’s Iván Weissman

Starting a conversation is hard, but being a part of it can be even more difficult. El Semanal’s Iván Weissman did both.

Newsletter success stories

Una historia de éxito desde Santiago: Una conversación con Iván Weissman de El Semanal de El Mostrador

Iniciar una conversación no es fácil, pero ser parte de ella puede ser aún más difícil. Iván Weissman de El Semanal logró ambas cosas.