Best practices

Understanding Five Different Ad Pricing Models

There’s no one right way to price the ads in your newsletter. Here are five different ways to set your prices and help you to maximize your ad revenue.

Best practices

What I Wish I’d Known Before Launching My Newsletter

From experimentation to monetization to growth, here’s the advice 25 newsletter operators wish they’d gotten at the very start.

Best practices

Obvious Best Practices Too Many Newsletters Still Don’t Do

There are many best practices that are easy to implement and that will make a big difference in your strategy. They’ll help you grow your list, get more engagement, and make more money. Here’s what you need to tackle next.

Best practices

The Newsletter Advice I Give Again and Again

No matter what type of newsletter you work on or what your goals are, everyone’s struggles are pretty similar. Here’s the advice I give to help solve your biggest newsletter problems.

Beyond the Inbox

Becoming a Dad Changed the Way I Think About Newsletters

Fatherhood changed the way I ask questions, handle mistakes, and even write alt text. Here’s what I’ve learned that I apply to my work.

Newsletter monetization

11 Things Smart Newsletters Do to Convert Readers to Supporters and Customers

Email can be an incredible tool for driving readers to support your work or buy something. Here’s how top newsletters convince readers to pull out a credit card and take the next step.

Best practices

30 Ideas to Improve Your Newsletter This Year

Want to take your newsletter to the next level in 2023? Here are 30 tips to try.