Best practices

A Big List of Things You Can A/B Test

A/B testing is one of the best ways to improve every part of your newsletter strategy. From your sent-from name to pop-ups, here’s a big list of things you can test.

Newsletter success stories

David C. Baker Built a Million-Dollar Consulting Business Through His Newsletter

How does a consultant who never seems to pitch his own services, who doesn’t have a massive email list, and who gives so much away for free end up building a business that brings in seven figures a year? David C. Baker tells his story.

Best practices

What You Need to Know About Gmail and Yahoo’s Big Changes for Newsletters

Fail to comply with these new rules and you’ll be unable to send to Gmail or Yahoo inboxes. Here’s what you need to do to stay compliant.

Best practices

25 Ways to Measure the Success of Your Newsletter

Open rate and click rate aren’t the only ways to tell if your newsletter is successful. The best newsletters look at metrics around engagement, growth, monetization, and reader feedback to understand what’s working.

Best practices

What I Wish I’d Known Before Launching My Newsletter

We asked more than 20 newsletter operators for the advice they wish they’d gotten. From content strategy to growth best practices, here’s what they told us.

Best practices

19 Great Newsletter Landing Pages You Can Learn From

A well-built landing page can help you grow your newsletter faster. Here are landing page best practices to utilize and great examples to borrow from.

Best practices

Three Questions Everyone Should Ask in a Survey

Every newsletter should incorporate audience feedback into their strategy. Here’s what to ask in a survey to make sure you’re building the right newsletter for your readers.

Not a Newsletter

Why I’m Shutting Down Not a Newsletter

After five years, I’m shifting from a monthly Google Doc to a weekly email newsletter. Here’s how I made the decision — and what’s next for readers like you.

Not a Newsletter

Not a Newsletter: September 2023

Welcome to the September — and final — edition of Not a Newsletter, a semi-comprehensive, Google Doc-based guide to sending better emails! I’m Dan, the founder of Inbox Collective. Thank you to this month’s sponsors: PostApex, a solution to help you secure premium advertisers for your email newsletter; Sponsy, a tool that might be able […]

Best practices

The Six Types of Welcome Emails

Every newsletter needs a great welcome series. Here’s why you should build one, what types of emails to include, and how many emails to send.