Looking to Build, Grow, and Monetize Your Newsletter Audience? Let’s Get Started.

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people who make newsletters.

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Here's a decorative image of three animals: An owl, a flamingo, and a seahorse

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Here's a decorative image of three animals: An owl, a flamingo, and a seahorse

Work With Us

Inbox Collective is a consultancy that helps brands grow audiences, build relationships, and get results via email.

Learn With Us

Looking for tactics and tools to take your email strategy to the next level? We’ve got stories, interviews, and case studies to help.

Here's a decorative image of three animals: An owl, a flamingo, and a seahorse

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We’re always looking for great partners for both properties, which reach tens of thousands of readers in the email space every month.

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We’re always looking for new story ideas — and yes, we pay our writers!